Thanks to everyone who made 2015 special. I love you all very much and hope 2016 is great!

Thanksgiving, 2015

         It is that time of year for me to say Thanks! 
to everyone who made 2015 special for me. It was 
a year of adventure, reconnecting, and a new job.
        Got to reconnect with Austrian pen pal, 
Claudia, and visit my 100th baseball stadium and
mascots such as Spike and Jack the Jackal. They
all enjoy posing for the camera.
        Claudia and her fabulous sisters, Isabella and
Silvia, along with their mother, Leopoldine 
(lower right at their dinner) hosted me at their
home in St. Polten, Austria, took me to Graz,
birthplace of my great-grandfather, and to their
family's Christmas dinner at the Gasthaus
Linde in Hafnerbach.
         As you can see, I am turning them into
Cleveland sports fans. 
       Thankful that I saw the snow-kissed Isar River in Munich along with 
the artistic murals in the tunnels under their highways. Spent Christmas 
dinner with a Japanese student traveling through Europe at a traditional 
German restaurant after walking through the Marienplatz under the 
watchful eyes of some female mannequins.      
        Thankful that I was able to revisit Budapest and see the Parliament 
Building at night on the Danube River.
         Thankful to be teaching with neat people like Katherine Miracle at
Virginia Marti College and to be teaching at Miami Jacob Career College.
         Thankful for all the neat people I meet on my baseball trips
including the Pittsburgh Pirates fans who I met at a West Virginia
Black Bears game which looks great in black and white at night.
  Thankful for the neat stuff here
in Cleveland especially when I
appear at a local event.
   Thankful for my buddy, William
Fones, who took me around
Southern Maryland and to ball-
games in Hagerstown and Bowie.
     Thankful also for attending my
100th stadium at Provident Bank
Park (below) in Pomona, NY and
stadium 101 at Yogi Berra Stadium
with a museum for the late great
Yogi Berra in Little Falls, NJ.

Thanksgiving 2014

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    Thankful for the ballplayers I
saw perform, including Denard 
Span, who played in Hagerstown 
on a rehab assignment and 
Rochester Red Wing pitcher, Nate 
Hanson, who signed autographs 
on a day he wasn't starting.
    Thankful from my cool new job 
at Akron Rubber Ducks games for 
a baseball scouting service.
     Thankful again for my trip to
Budapest and the Coca-Cola 
adorned Christmas tree in the 
West End Mall.

      Finally, my alter ego, the world
famous Roaming Hooters T-Shirt, is
thankful for the opportunity to 
meet Miss Hooters International at
the Budapest Hooters and Erin at 
the Chantilly Hooters and all the 
other Hooters servers it was signed 
by this year.


November Rain - Guns N' Roses