Above, rollover images to see a worksheet from a Lake County
Captains game I was working and almost got hit by a baseball. This was my
last year working for Baseball Info Solutions. Rollover above and see the
Roaming Hooters T Shirt on the road at Brandon Hooters signed by fabulous
server, Amaliese.
To the left, I am a Baseball Historian when I appeared in a documentary
film about the Cleveland Buckeyes. Rollover that image as I'm thankful
for another fun year of Cleveland State basketball.
Below left, thankful to get out on the town to see a concert at the House
of Blues. Rollover that image and see a fight that broke out at a Cleveland
Guardians game and thankful I was able to attend those games. Below center,
so very thankful to play basketball on my 71st birthday.
Below right, especially thankful to spend time with my Niece Nancy, her
husband Mark and my really cool great nephew, Jacob. |  |
Thankful above to see all my college
buddies at a holiday meetup last year
before Christmas. Rollover that image
and see my rec buddy Gerald and his
wife who sat with me when I was
working a Lake County Captains game.
Above left, thankful for another
friend, Jim, who sat with me a couple
times when I worked in Lake County.
Rollover that image and I am always
thankful for St. Patrick's Day here and
to see Slider participating in the parade.
Left, thankful to visit the poignant
sculpture honoring New Zealand sailors
who fought with the allies in World War I.
Rollover that image and see another good
friend, client and basketball buddy, Dan.
Below, thankful to visit my 123rd
stadium where I have seen professional
baseball. This was the Auckland Tuatara
in the Australian Baseball League at
North Harbour Stadium. Batting is
career minor league player, Quincy
Latimore of the Adelaide Giants.
Also thankful for my work with
Court Appearance Professionals where
I get to travel to courts around northern
Ohio in places like Fremont and see
historical sites including Old Betsy, a
cannon used to defend Fort Stephenson
in 1813 when attacked by British
soldiers and Indian forces.
Thanksgiving 2022
Back to previous page and links
Weekly Stock Pick
Rest in Peace Joan Ryan
Rest in Peace Thomas Parks
Rest in Peace John Adams
Above, thankful to have
flown into the Wellington, New
Zealand airport and to be
greeted by an eagle flying
over Christmas trees. Rollover
that image and see another
good friend, Jimmy, who also
visited me while I worked
my baseball job.
Above right, reconnected with
a really awesome former student,
Taylor, who is a great photo-
grapher. Below that picture is
Sky Tower in Auckland. I was
thankful to see it lit up for the
holidays and to get to the top
of it and be sure elves got
letters to Santa Claus.
Below, thankful to get to
Wellington Harbour in New Zealand
and see this colorful mural by school
children of the harbour. Rollover
that image and I'm thankful to meet
other Hooters fans like Ken who is
visiting all the Hooters in North
Finally, at the bottom, thankful
to be able to visit such historic sites
as the first McDonalds location in the
U.S. along Route 66 in San Bernardino.
Rollover that image to see one last
look at Auckland from across Auckland
Harbour and one of their colorful