2021 Irish Omicron

Christmas Adventure!

      I went to Dublin, Ireland at Christmas time, 2021.  I also went to Cork in Ireland and I will replace this page with those photos eventually. There are leprechauns in Ireland at the Leprechaun Museum.  Rollover the leprechaun to see how bus drivers dressed for the holidays. To the right is a statue of Molly Malone who was made famous in the song "Cockles and Mussels" which is Dublin's unofficial anthem.                  

      Below left is Dublin's post office dressed up for the holidays. It was also the headquarters for the failed 1916 Easter Uprising when the Irish people sought independence from England. The homeless were being fed outside the Post Office the night I shot these photos. Rollover the image to see how one of the windows was dressed up for the holidays.   



The Record Tower, right, is all that is left of the original Dublin Castle built in 1228. The attached Chapel Royal was built in 1814. The remaing part of Dublin Castle was built in the 1700s. Below left is a statue along the River Liffey honoring dock workers of the past who had to pull shipping boats along the dock. In the background is the Customs House where boats would have to stop and pay tariffs. Below is the Notoroious Irish exhibit at EPIC, the Irish emigration museum. Below right is a Christmas Tree/Nativity Scene along Dublin's O'Connell Street.

Because of covid concerns and restrictions, much of my time in Dublin was spent wearing a mask. Below bottom is the Samuel Beckett Bridge, named after a famous Irish writer, and it is designed to look like a harp and is dressed up for the holidays. Rollover the image to see how it looks during the day. Bottom right is the poignant Irish Famine Memorial depicting starving Irish from the 1845-52 Irish Famine. Depicted are starving Irish with their few belongings getting ready to board a boat to take them away from Ireland.



  Visit my other web pages, too:  
2005 Baseball Trip to DC Thanksgiving 2007 My Financial Page
2006 Baseball Trip Thanksgiving 2008 I Wrote a Baseball Book
2007 California Trip Thanksgiving 2009 Cleveland Buckeyes baseball
2009 Fargo Trip Thanksgiving 2010 My Legal Tutoring Service
Mom and I go to an Indians game Thanksgiving 2011  
120 Baseball Stadiums visited Thanksgiving 2012  
2021 Dublin Trip Thanksgiving 2013  
  Thanksgiving 2014  
  Thanksgiving 2015  
R.I.P - Bernice Loraine Gordon Pearsall Thanksgiving 2016
  Thanksgiving 2018
  Thanksgiving 2019
  Thanksgiving 2020
  Thanksgiving 2021


